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Your story shouldn't be lost to time. Let NARRAiTED be your guide and help you share your legacy.

How does NARRAiTED work?

NARRAiTED performs a biographical interview of the user. It will ask questions, which can be answered by either speaking, or typing. Those responses are analyzed and  ask meaningful follow-up questions are asked. This approach means NARRAiTED can trigger memories you may have otherwise forgotten.  Maybe you mention that you are a Beatles fan, NARRAiTED will go deeper; Did you ever see them perform? Who were you with? Any stories about that person?

The end result being a detailed story of you. A legacy you can share.

Is my Biography customizable?

Yes. NARRAiTED has a default set of chapters you can choose to use, but you can add and remove as many chapters as you need.  Each story is different, and NARRAiTED ensures you can create your Biography how you would like.

Does NARRAiTED actually write my Biography?

Yes. Once the interview process is complete, NARRAiTED uses your responses to write your Biography, organized by chapter in either the first or third person. This complete biography is editable.

How do I answer questions or tell NARRAiTED stories?

NARRAiTED is available on the web and has mobile apps on Google Play and iOS.  Answers can either be spoken (dictated) or typed. Think of NARRAiTED like having a chat with someone, either by voice or text.

How do I get started with NARRAiTED?

NARRAiTED has a free trial That you can sign up for here.

During the trial you will be able to create one chapter of your Biography. To unlock full access our Storyteller account is available for a one-time fee of $99 

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